Contributions Caps
Under 65 years
$100,000 per financial year or $300,000 over 3 years
(subject to total balance being below $1,400,000 - a reduced bring forward is available where total super balance is between $1,400,000 and $1,600,000)65 to 74 years*
$100,000 per financial year as long as super balance is under $1,500,000
*Work test requirement must be met before contributing to superannuation. Exemption from the work test is available in the financial year following the year of retirement, provided super balance at the prior 30 June is less than $300,000
Unused non-concessional contribution limits in any year cannot be credited to any future year and are effectively lost. The non-concessional cap is set at four times the general concessional cap of $25,000 for the 2019/2020 financial year.
Contributions included in the non-concessional contributions cap:
It’s important to regularly monitor the contributions made to your super fund if you don’t want to inadvertently exceed a cap. Timing of your contributions is important. Contributions are counted towards the caps in the year in which they are received and credited by your super fund. This will usually be some time after a cheque is sent or handed to your super fund, or an online transfer is authorised.
Any amount over the non-concessional cap will be taxed at 47.0% (includes Medicare Levy). You are personally liable for this tax, and you must use the release authority we give you to get your super fund to release the amount of the tax from your super.
Contributions included in the non-concessional contributions cap:
- Personal contributions for which no deduction notice is submitted and acknowledged,
- Contributions made on your behalf by your spouse (unless they are doing so as your employer)
- If you’re under 18, contributions made on your behalf by any other (non-employer) third party, such as a friend or relative
- Contributions in excess of your concessional contributions cap for the year.
It’s important to regularly monitor the contributions made to your super fund if you don’t want to inadvertently exceed a cap. Timing of your contributions is important. Contributions are counted towards the caps in the year in which they are received and credited by your super fund. This will usually be some time after a cheque is sent or handed to your super fund, or an online transfer is authorised.
Any amount over the non-concessional cap will be taxed at 47.0% (includes Medicare Levy). You are personally liable for this tax, and you must use the release authority we give you to get your super fund to release the amount of the tax from your super.