Need advice? Contact Macarthur Wealth Management for expert financial advice in Parramatta and Sydney wide on (02) 9683 2869.

There are a number of factors that you need to consider to determine the most appropriate investment for your personal preferences and financial goals. A key driver of this decision is your risk profile which measures your attitude towards risk. Your risk profile will depend on how you feel about a range of different issues such as:

  • Your comfort and knowledge of investment markets. The higher your knowledge, the more comfortable you may be investing in riskier assets like shares and property.
  • Your preference for capital growth (compared to capital preservation and/or income). The higher your preference for growth may be better suited to investing in riskier assets that offer a higher potential for capital growth.
  • Your level of concern when markets suffer a loss. If you are likely to sell and feel stressed from this loss, then a lower exposure to risky assets may be suitable.
  • How important it is to you for your investments to keep pace with inflation. If this is important to you, then shares and property are more likely to meet this need.
  • Your investment time horizon. If you are investing for the long term (at least 5-7 years), then you may consider investing in shares and property. Generally, risky assets are not suitable if you are investing for shorter periods of time and a higher level of investment in cash and bonds may be more suitable.

Need advice? Contact Macarthur Wealth Management for expert financial advice in Parramatta and Sydney wide on (02) 9683 2869.

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